Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chewy Caramel with NO Candy Thermometer

Chewy Caramel

1/2 Cup butter
1/2 Cup sugar
1/2 Cup brown sugar
1/2 Cup sweetened condensed milk (SCM for short)
1/2 Cup light corn syrup
1 tsp vanilla
nuts of choice (I like walnuts)

I promise you, this is one of the easiest things you will ever make and one of the most delicious! I prefer this recipe over ANY store-bought caramel and I can make it with ingredients I already have on a moment's notice! DELICIOUS!

So here's what you do.

1) Put 1 stick of butter in a large glass bowl and melt it in the microwave for 1 minute! While it is melting, get out your sugar, brown sugar, SCM, can opener, wooden spoon, and 1/2 Cup measuring cup.

2) Open the SCM, get the bowl out and add 1/2 C. of each ingredient. Stir.

3) Put in the microwave for 7 minutes. While the Caramel is cooking, put everything away except your spoon. Lay out a cookie sheet with a piece of wax paper on top (or you could do what I do and spray non-stick spray onto parchment paper).

Get out vanilla (or rum flavor is also DELICIOUS!), and measuring tool for 1 tsp.,nuts if you'd like and pot holders (2 for your hands and one for the counter

4) Carefully take the bowl out of the microwave, stir, and wait 1 minute before adding the vanilla and nuts. It will look like this right out of the microwave. Stirring will make it bubble up so don't worry. 

It will look like this after adding the vanilla and nuts.

 5) Pour the mixture to the wax paper and let cool a couple hours. Not gonna lie I normally wait about 20 minutes before taking my first piece. Even though its not set, the flavor is still delicious!!

ENJOY!! This is one of my favorite treats. OH!!! And do NOT try to double this recipe! Please be sure to comment if you try this :) I promise, once you try this, you will never go back to the hard way. I got this recipe Here

God bless

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