Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Tradition

Thanks to a picture I saw on Pinterest I got the cutest idea for a Fall tradition to do with my kids, starting with my BellaBoo. :) 

So the other day I went outside (in 60 degree weather in October??) and raked some leaves into a big number one and took her picture next to it.


She wasn't much interested in it but she was loving playing with the rake. 

This one is my favorite, I love that little girl! 

I did learn some stuff for next year though. Do it in the shade. I did not take the pictures in the shade and they are so bright it hurts my eyes to look at the pictures. lol If you don't take them in the shade, at least make sure you face the number so that you can't see your own shadow. It was hard to get a good shot when all I could focus on was getting my shadow out of view. Maybe next yearI will have a child to write a ZERO next to, say some prayers for us :) 

Is this something that you would do? 
Do you have any fall traditions of just things you like to do this time of year?